2020 Year End – A Thank You from our Chair, Connie Carras, President, CEC Enterprises

News 2020 Year End – A Thank You from our Chair,...


From our Chair, Connie Carras, President, CEC Enterprises:

2020 is a year we will always remember. What started as a year of loss, we met with grit and action. Our resilience reinvented what had to change and allowed us the opportunity to turn to the future with optimism.

2020 showed us how important our homes really are. In them we find safety.

2020 also showed us that we are undeniably connected to one another and to our planet.

There’s little doubt that we are at the beginning of a major transformation-led by the intersection of technology advances and movements stemming from material social and climate issues. From Governor M. Carney’s climate warnings to the market-driven Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures, financial markets and institutional investors globally are driving awareness of our economy’s connectedness to climate, the environment, and social and governance issues at an accelerated pace.

And Housing, the Industry we so passionately serve is at the hub of all this change.

In September, I was honored to host more than 100 of our Industry’s leaders on the theme of Reimagining Housing at the EQ Networking Lounge.  With some innovation, spirited engagement, and a new set of technology platforms, we were able to turn an hour that might have been skipped due to this year’s restrictions, into an inspiring exchange of ideas and perspectives on the most pressing and strategic issues we have today.

The Pandemic gave us pause, even permission to think differently. Since we met and particularly as 2020 draws to a close and we look ahead, I am inspired by the power of your vision — captured in the word cloud above — to drive us forward. When we asked you, our Industry’s leaders, to describe the future we are building, you saw a future where housing is affordable, sustainable, and healthy.  

The targets in this incredible vision are the building blocks of social, environmental, and economic prosperity, but the hard work ahead is in how to bring that vision to life.  To do that, we must harness the full power of our hearts and our minds and innovate like never before. We challenged you during the Networking Lounge with a call to action that you be both celebrated housing builders and Future Builders. Your work and your leadership matter now more than ever.

Together, we’ve made history in energy-efficient housing. With your inspiration and very positive feedback, we will widen our gaze in the New Year.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wanted to express our gratitude for your support and trust in EnerQuality.  We wish you and yours health, peace, and prosperity for the holidays and we look forward to working with you next year and beyond. Get some rest. We have a lot more in store for 2021.