Green Building Festival coming

News Green Building Festival coming

How do we simultaneously design for the extremes of a changed climate and build in a way to reverse those changes? At the 2019 Green Building Festival, a range of expert designers and builders will look at both simple and complex strategies, techniques and technologies to inspire us to reach for the goal of zero carbon. Increase your capacity to design, construct and manage tomorrow’s sustainable buildings and cities. At, you’ll learn about:

  • A complex movable building envelope that uses Phase Change Materials to collect and release thermal energy.
    • A simple office building in snowy Austria that regulates comfort and temperature all without a mechanical system
    • Active House versus Passive House projects and approaches
    • 3D printed concrete forms that minimize waste
    • Integrated mechanical and envelope strategies for new and existing buildings
    • Innovative technologies that can reduce and possibly eliminate CO2 in concrete production, and more…

Date: Oct 8 2019, 8 am – 7 pm

Venue: Marriott Eaton Centre conveniently located in downtown Toronto

Delegate pass includes: 8 hours of expert programming, meals, networking reception + continuing education hours certificate for GBCI, OAA, OALA, OPPI and PEO.